10 Minute Killer Core Shred

So in the latest program I’m doing, we’ve been using bands and sliders along with weights.  I am loving it!  I seriously have not ever utilized them like this and I’m learning so much.  That’s one thing I like about doing programs myself…I learn and can implement new things!  If you’re not learning and growing, you’re dying.  And I don’t know about you but I’ve got a lot of life to live and I’ve got people to help, places to go, things to do… I’m not just going to go to work, sit on the couch and let life happen to me.  Heck no!  It’s way more fulfilling to help people.  To learn new things, to get uncomfortable and stretch myself in ways that I was scared to or didn’t think I could.

And my apologies…it’s been a while!  I have not made blogging a focus although it continues to weigh on my mind.  I love to write, I love to share more of myself and this is just another outlet for me too.  It’s hard to share in a facebook or limited instagram post.  I don’t know about you, but if a fb post gets too long, I start tuning it out.  Instagram I read for the most part, but you’re limited there on the length.  You can get into some detail but not like you can on a blog.  …so, here I am.  Making another attempt at putting this on my priority list.  I just read in a book today about the only failure being quitting.  Keep getting back up with whatever it is.  This is me getting back up and starting to blog again.  I need to carve out just a little time each week to get at least 1 done.

And to make it easier on myself this first one…I’m sharing a killer core shred I did in February of this year.  Check it out and let me know what you think?!

Looking forward to your feedback and to getting back here to share my life, my workouts, my food, and more.  What would you like to hear or see more of??  Anything in particular?

& hey, if you’d like to join me on the next program I do, click here.