You know I’ve been struggling to decide what to post first.  My brother and I worked on my website/blog over a week ago to get it back up and running and I was stuck at what to start with.  I used to write blogs pretty frequently.  It was a big outlet for me and just another place for me to share what I’ve learned through many struggles in my own life, through reading and researching things on my own and a way for me to share more of me.

If you don’t know me, maybe you stumbled upon this or something….My name’s Alicia, founder of FitFullCircle.  I’m a health & wellness coach, fitness instructor, mom, wife, coffee lover, avid book reader, lover of life, taking it 1 day at a time!

What got me started on this journey…hmmm, that’s a long story.  But here’s the abridged version.  I’m a 42 year old mom to 5 babies.  I had 5 children in 7 years.  10+ years around that time I was physically inactive, ate tons of processed foods.

A big defining moment in my life was the sickness and death of our 2nd son!! That’s been over 12 years ago since he left this earth.  :-( It’s been a long hard road, and I’ll share more about that in the future.  My life is completely changed and for a long time I was so broken, but after being broken for so long, I finally came to a point where I said enough.  I was done living in my circumstances and just letting my life pass me by.  I’ve taken my hurt and pain and turned it into my fuel.

I found the beauty in life again and purpose.  I found myself again and am the healthiest I’ve ever been, not only physically but mentally, spiritually and emotionally.  Like I said, it’s been a long hard road to get here, but so worth it.  …that’s why it’s fit – full – circle.  It’s every area of my life!  And I am continually a work in progress, seeking to better myself each and every day.

I live to pay that forward, to help others find the beauty in life.  To help my children see it as well.

There you have it in a nutshell!  ;-)  …Ok, so enough about me, let’s get to the good stuff!

What’s the big M word??  The one that so many people say they wish they had mine?!?!

The M word is…Motivation!

I was on a team call earlier tonight and heard this from Bob Heiling:

MOTIVATION shows up when you WILL yourself into ACTION!!!!

Exactly!  Here’s my tips on motivation:

1. Change your thinking on being ‘motivated.’ Motivation doesn’t just happen, but I think many people think it does.  They think they’ll just wake up one morning and be super motivated or it will fall on them like a pie out of the sky.  …Sorry to burst your bubble, but that’s not the way it works.  You can actually create your own motivation.  By taking action, regardless of ‘feeling’ motivated or not, you will begin to create your own motivation.  The more you take action, the more you flex that motivation muscle and it will get stronger.  ;-)

2. It’s more about discipline than motivation.  Motivation is more of a feeling and feelings come and go, they are fickle, they leave you high one minute then low the next.  It’s like riding a crazy roller coaster.  ;-)  Quit relying on motivation and start working on discipline.  WILL yourself into action!!

3. Your reasons for wanting to reach your goals have to be more than skin deep!  When it’s only about ‘looking’ good, the physical appearance, when push comes to shove, it will be super hard to keep going.  You need a bigger reason for wanting to stay on this journey.  Like for me, I have many, many reasons.  1) my kids – to set a good example of what a fit life looks like inside & out, and what not settling looks like.  2) for my son Diego who passed away – because life will never be the same and having him gave me a whole new perspective on life 3) my body is my temple – where the Holy Spirit resides – and the only one I’ve got for this lifetime.  I want to make it the best for my God and me.  4) Because life’s too short to settle and I want to be my best day in and day out 5) Because I want to show others it can be done and help them along the way & I’m on a mission to take as many with me on this journey as possible! By me stepping up, others have stepped up and that’s a great feeling.  Living with purpose is where it’s at!

4. Get an accountability or support group!  A fit community is the bomb!  It’s one of the biggest motivators for me.  My clients and coaches say the same, that the community we have is what keeps them motivated and pushing forward.  When you wake up an see others getting their workouts in and sticking with their nutrition, getting out of their comfort zones…it’s kind of hard not to be motivated and want to get yours in too.  & for me, when you have people counting on you, it’s even that much more motivating.  Love it!  …I don’t think I’ve ever been as consistent with anything until I became a health & wellness coach and starting leading others on this journey!  But just being a part of a community like ours is an incredible motivator as well!

The choice is yours!  You can keep waiting for that motivation to fall out of the sky and suddenly hit you…or you can GET MOVING!!  & that goes for anything you’re wanting to start, whether it be with fitness, business, whatever.

Hope this helps!  Love to hear your feedback and anything you’d like me to share in the future. I’m open to ideas and suggestions.

Big hugs and love to you!  xxoo