Just a little ab work I put together for you!  =)

For my workouts I follow a program.  Right now I’m in the 7th week of an 8 week program.  I’ve been doing these programs for almost 3 years and I’m in the best shape of my life.  Even better than when I was in my teens and 20’s!  And I had 5 babies in 7 years between my late 20’s and mid-30’s!  Plus, I ate like crap.  Tons of processed and junky foods, fast foods… donuts, pizza, you know the usual american fair.

I’m sure you’ve heard the saying, ‘abs are made in the kitchen.’  Yep, nutrition and what you feed and fuel you body with has a BIG role in shaping and toning our body and defining those abs.  I like to say abs are made in the kitchen, but sculpted in the gym.  Definitely the workouts you do can help define and shape them.  I don’t think it’s ever too much to even work your abs a little every day.

Of course, really in everything you do, even when not specifically working the core…you’re still working the core, right?!  Well, you should be.  And strengthening your core will help with proper form, protecting your back, etc.

After having 5 babies, I thought I’d never regain that strength…but over time, putting in the work, I’ve proven myself wrong.  It’s never too late!  Oh & I’m 42 if you didn’t know.

Try this one on for size.  Do it once or do it 2 or 3 times.  Add it on a few times a week if you like.  Let me know your thoughts and if you try it.

Much love and hugs to you!  xxoo