Ringing in the new year…

Rang in the new year sober af & I have to say it felt pretty damn good.  That was the 2nd year in a row.  Back in December of 2016, I made the decision to get sober after having a little too much Christmas eve.  I got on my family’s nerves and on my own and just got sick of feeling like crap the next day, feeling down, sluggish.  Even more than that, I just felt like alcohol wasn’t serving any purpose in my life whatsoever.  So after that night I made the decision that I was going to quit it for a while.  I wasn’t sure how long, but I was done at least for the time being.  I had gone 30 days at a time a few times in 2016, so I knew I could do that for sure.

My hubs wanted me to at least have a drink with him that new years eve of 2016 going into 2017, so I think I had 1 maybe that night.  I had already made my decision and my mindset had changed when I did.  So, I might’ve had a drink but I totally nursed it and then just drank water after and then starting fresh January 1, 2017 I started my trek without alcohol.  I ended up going 117 days that year before ever having a drink.  There were numerous occasions where we were at a bar, my son was singing and playing his guitar, and we were working on getting him exposure to his chosen career path.  I proved to myself numerous times that I could go into a social setting where the drinks were flowing and have a great time without it. And I stayed true to my word.  There’s something so powerful when you don’t break those commitments to yourself I’m telling  you!!

At 117 days, we were on a tropical vacation and my hubs wanted me to at least enjoy a glass of wine with him or 2 and I could’ve totally stood my ground, but I decided I was ok with having a drink and so I did.  In all of 2017, out of 365 days there were only 5 occasions that I had a couple drinks and for that I am so proud of.  I completely redefined my relationship with alcohol.  I have proven to myself that I don’t need it to have a good time, that I am the gatekeeper of my own life and decisions.  I don’t have to feel pressured by anyone to have or not have a drink.

Before this decision with alcohol, I had already practiced this with other things like sugar for example.  From tons of research and working on my health and nutrition, I knew cutting out all refined sugar, artificial sweeteners, was what I needed to do and so I did.  I would cut it all out for 30 days at a time, then have a treat and start all over again.  I also did this with processed carbs for a time as well.  Anything I felt wasn’t good for me, or wasn’t serving me I cut it out of my life and then might add it back in later, might not.  This also goes for relationships that I didn’t feel were positive, any habits, thought patterns, and the list goes on.

Our minds are like a muscle you know, the more we practice self restraint and discipline, boundaries for ourselves and our wellbeing…the stronger those muscles become.  So powerful and so vital for being your best self inside and out, as well as your personal growth.

In 2018, I lost count of how many times I had a glass of wine or 2 and I cannot say I’m 100% sober because I’m not.  But I can tell you, alcohol does not rule my life like it once did.  I can go months without it if I so choose.  The times I do have a glass of wine it’s because I decide.  I don’t like anything so super strict, even with my nutrition….although I know for some people that absolutely is not an option for them.  For me, there is grey area and I like that I’m able to now have a glass of red wine and that’s it.  I used to couldn’t do that.  It no longer has that hold on me that it once did.

I can go weeks, months without anything to drink.  I’m no longer counting down the days that I have or don’t have one.  I could take it or leave it.  I could go the rest of my life without it or I could have a glass here and there, and that’s a great feeling.  We are so much stronger than we even realize!

I definitely encourage you to really examine your life and take control of it.  Don’t keep letting life just happen to you and reacting to it, but you start acting with intention and purpose.  It’s empowering and it’s freeing, it’s a way more fulfilling way to live.

If you ever need help, please feel free to reach out.  <3

Happy New Year!!  May 2019 be your BEST year yet!  xx